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Data Access Requests

OSPA processes and administers Data Access requests which require institutional certification. Before approving and submitting any data access request, the following documents should be submitted to OSPA:

  • A copy of the data access request
  • A completed data security questionnaire. This document will be reviewed by RUIT to ensure that all institutional and sponsor data security standards are met.
  • IRB approval, or IRB determination that no IRB approval is required.
    • If you do not have an existing protocol or determination that covers the work proposed, please contact Donna Brassil to start the process.
    • A Data Access Routing Form.

Once data access requests must typically be renewed annually or terminated. Data access renewals are handled the same way as new data access requests; submit the request, updated data access questionnaire, any updates to IRB approval/determination, and Routing Form (if required) to OSPA.

To close a data access project, the PI must confirm in writing that all downloaded data has been deleted from both virtual and physical machines, databases and archives.  Many sponsors also require a final progress report.

If the data request involves specimens and/or will be governed by a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), then please contact the Office of General Counsel (OGC) and Office of Technology Transfer (OTT). OSPA does not administer MTAs.

For questions and clarifications, contact Kate Ross,, x7793.