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Spotlight on SR-PD’s Post-Award Area

June 2011

Headed by SR-PD’s Administrative Post-Award Manager, Cindy Fuqua, the Post-Award Area is the University's resource for all non-financial post-award matters. The Post-Award Manager reviews and, when applicable, negotiates all sponsored research awards. The Post-Award Manager is SR-PD’s primary liaison between Finance Research Administration, the Office of Technology Transfer, and the Office of General Counsel (OGC).

The Post-Award Area has been key in SR-PD efforts toward designing and implementing RU’s response to the special (quarterly) reporting requirements under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), with an eye to reducing investigator burden. SR-PD organized RU’s ARRA Working Group and, together with Finance, Human Resources, Purchasing, and OGC, coordinated RU’s quarterly reporting plan for our 46 awards under ARRA.

The Rockefeller University’s sponsored research awardees now have a dedicated online Post-Award area. Selected highlights include Managing Your Award, Compliance Coordination, Carryforward Procedures, and No-Cost Extension (NCE).  New online post-award management resources for investigators and their support staff are being continuously considered and prepared in response to internal requests and changing policies, and in anticipation of emerging needs. 

Cindy is looking forward to working with you and supporting your post-award management efforts.

SR-PD Post-Award

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