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Multiple PI Leadership Plan

Our boilerplates and sample text for selected application sections may be used as a starting point for your applications, and should be modified to meet sponsor's requirements and to align with your proposed research plan.

The following boilerplate responds to an NIH requirement for the Multiple PI Leadership Plan. More>>

This proposal involves the collaboration of Drs. _________(names and affiliations). Due to the complexities and broad scope of the proposed research, successful completion will require diverse areas of expertise and interests as represented by the Principal Investigators (PIs) and their laboratories. Since the success of this application depends on critical contributions from each of the named PIs, a multi-PI model is the best fit for this project. Dr. ____ will be responsible for the oversight and collection of ____; Dr. ____ will be responsible for ____; Dr. ____ will be responsible for ____, and so on. Each PI will be responsible for her/his own fiscal and research management.

The PIs will communicate weekly by phone or email to discuss experimental design, data analysis, and updates regarding administrative and regulatory responsibilities. PIs and one member of her/his team will meet annually for a one day meeting to formally present data, and discuss scientific and administrative issues. All PIs will share their respective research results with the other PIs, key personnel, and consultants. They will work together to discuss any changes in the direction of the research projects and the reallocation of funds, if necessary. A publication policy will be established based on the relative scientific contributions of the PIs and key personnel. Dr. ____ will serve as contact PI and be responsible for the submission of the annual progress report to ____(NIH Institute/Center) and all communications with the sponsoring organization. (Note that per NIH FAQ, 'It is also possible, and may be desirable, for the grantee institution to periodically designate a change in Contact PI').

Intellectual Property
All relevant Offices of Technology Transfer will work together on an agreement to manage any associated intellectual property matters. An Intellectual Property Committee composed of representatives from each institution will be formed to ensure that the intellectual property developed by the PIs is protected according to the policies established in the agreement and aligned with their home institutions' policies.

Conflict Resolution
If a potential conflict develops in connection with this grant, the PIs shall first meet for attempted resolution in good faith within thirty (30) days of the notice of such dispute. If they fail to resolve the dispute, the disagreement may be referred to any dispute resolution mechanism that the institutions/parties individually or collectively choose, including an arbitration committee consisting of one impartial senior executive from each of the respective institutions, and a third impartial senior executive mutually agreed upon by all PIs. No members of the arbitration committee will be directly involved in the research grant.

Change in PI Location
If a PI moves to a new institution, attempts will be made to transfer the relevant portion of the grant to the new institution. In the event that a PI cannot carry out her/his duties, a new PI will be recruited as a replacement at one of the participating institutions (pursuant to the terms and conditions of the grant).

Useful Links
NIH Sample Plans
NIH Multiple PI FAQs
NIAID Tips for Writing a Strong Multiple PI Leadership Plan   


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