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Who at the University can be a Principal Investigator (PI)?

Regular tenured or tenure-track faculty members, or administrators at the director level or higher can be PIs. Other University employees may also be PIs if approved by their Head of Laboratory/unit or authorized by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Individuals with Visiting and Adjunct positions, regardless of rank, role, contribution to the grant, must receive the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs before proceeding with sponsored funding applications. In all such instances the resources required for the proposed project must be identified and guaranteed in writing before submission.

If allowed by the Sponsor, graduate students may serve as the PI on a proposal, provided a
Head of Laboratory/Unit agrees to serve as the co-PI and/or Mentor. In the event of an award, the PI and Mentor are responsible for the technical and fiscal management of the award, and for assuring that all Sponsor requirements are fulfilled and deliverables are accomplished.

If Sponsors have more restrictive requirements regarding PIs on proposals, their requirements would supersede this policy.