[December 17, 2019] Extending PI Eligibility on an NIH K99/R00 application The eligibility rules for the K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award application state that the applicant must have no more than 4 years of Post-Doctoral Experience at the time of application. However, leave for pressing personal or family situations of generally less than 12 months duration, such as family care responsibilities, disability or illness, or active military duty, is not included in the 4-year eligibility limit. Also, time spent conducting postgraduate clinical training that does not involve research is not considered as part of the 4-year research training eligibility limit.
Since one of the most common reasons for extension request involve childbirth, NIH will approve an extension of eligibility for one year for childbirth. Men, those adopting children, and same-sex partners of individuals can also apply for an extension. Potential K99 applicants are encouraged to discuss their individual situation with an NIH Institute or Center Scientific Program Contact before applying. [Faculty, Postdocs and Resadmin 12/17/2019]
[November 26, 2019] How is federal science funding impacted by a continuing resolution? When Congress fails to pass an appropriations bill by the end of the federal fiscal year (September 30), it can pass a continuing resolution (CR) to provide budget authority for federal agencies to continue operating until regular appropriations are enacted. Under a CR, policy provisions from the previous fiscal year’s appropriations legislation are continued and funding is provided at a level equal to or slightly lower than was enacted in the previous fiscal year. We are currently under a CR, which expires December 20.
During a CR, Federal sponsors:
• Can make only a limited number of new grant awards
• May fund existing awards at a reduced level until the budget passes
• Must fund existing programs
• Is prohibited by law from launching new initiatives or activities outside the scope of the existing authorization
More>> [Faculty, Postdocs and Resadmin 11/26/2019]
[October 24, 2019] How do I submit a request for controlled access data? The Office of Sponsored Programs Administration (OSPA) processes and administers Data Access Requests that require institutional certification. To ensure all required data security concerns are addressed, investigators should complete a data security questionnaire, which will be evaluated by RUIT. Investigators should also provide IRB approval for their project, or IRB determination that no IRB approval is required. These forms, along with a Data Access Routing Form and the data access request itself, are submitted to OSPA for review and submission. Please see our Data Access Request page for more information. [Faculty, Postdocs and Resadmin 10/24/2019]
[September 19, 2019] NSF to require new biosketch format in 2020
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has designated the National Institutes of Health’s SciENcv (Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae) as an NSF-approved format for submission of biographical sketches, and is encouraging its use to prepare a biographical sketch for inclusion in proposals to NSF.
Use of an NSF-approved format aims to reduce administrative burden and improve efficiencies by providing proposers with a compliant and reusable way to maintain this information for subsequent proposal submissions to NSF, while also ensuring that the information is submitted in a searchable composition.
Beginning with the next iteration of the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG), anticipated effective date January 2020, NSF will only accept PDFs for biographical sketches that are generated through use of an NSF-approved format. A description of NSF-approved formats will be posted on the NSF website when the PAPPG is issued.
Multiple training resources are available on the SciENcv website. The following website resources may be of assistance in preparing a biographical sketch using the SciENcv format:
• YouTube Video: SciENcv Tutorial
• YouTube Video: Integrating with ORCID
• SciENcv Help
[September 10, 2019] NIH, CDC, and AHRQ to require ORCID iDs for certain PD/PIs and Appointees beginning October 1, 2019
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier) iDs are unique, persistent digital identifiers that distinguish individual investigators and can be used to connect researchers with their contributions to science over time and across changes of name, location, and institutional affiliation. These free identifiers are assigned and maintained by the non-profit organization ORCID.
In October 2019, the requirement for ORCID identifiers will be incorporated into the appointment process for trainees, scholars, and participants supported by institutional research training, career development, and research education awards that require appointments through the xTrain system, including the following:
T03, T15, T32, T34, T35, T37, T42, T90/R90, TL1, TL4, TU2, K12/KL2, R25, R38, RL5, RL9
At the time of appointment, the xTrain system will check whether appointees have ORCID iDs and appointments will not be accepted for agency review unless an ORCID iD is linked to the individual's eRA Commons Personal Profile.
Beginning with receipt dates on or after January 25, 2020, the requirement for ORCID identifiers will be enforced at the time of application for individual fellowship and career development awards, including the following:
F05, F30, F31, F32, F33, F37, F38, F99/K00, FI2, K01, K02, K05, K07, K08, K18, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K38, K43, K76, K99/R00
eRA system validations will check whether applicants have ORCID iDs and applications will not be accepted unless an ORCID iD is linked to the PD/PI's eRA Commons Personal Profile.
At this time, prospective applicants for individual fellowship and career development awards are encouraged to follow the ORCID link from their Personal Profiles in the eRA Commons , where they can either link their eRA profiles to existing ORCID accounts or create ORCID profiles and link them back to the eRA Commons. Similarly, PD/PIs of institutional research training, career development and research education awards are urged to begin alerting potential appointees to do the same. [Faculty, Postdocs and Resadmin 9/10/2019]
[March 26, 2019] Has your project plan changed since you got your grant?In general, the PD/PI (Program Director/Principal Investigator) may make changes in the methodology, approach, or other aspects of the project objectives. However, the grantee must obtain prior approval from the sponsor for a change in scope.
A change in scope is a change in the direction, aims, objectives, purposes, or type of research training, identified in the approved project. The grantee must make the initial determination of the significance of a change and should consult with OSPA to see if a change of scope request is needed. This should be done as soon as the PD/PI realizes that their project has changed. Waiting until the time of Progress Report may cause delay of funding.
Potential indicators of a change in scope include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Change in the specific aims approved at the time of award.
• Shift of the research emphasis from one disease area to another.
• Application of a new technology, e.g., changing assays from those approved to a different type of assay.
• Substitution of one animal model for another.
• Change from the approved use of live vertebrate animals.
• Change from the approved involvement of human subjects that would result in an increased risk. This includes:
o The new inclusion of subject populations that are covered by additional regulatory protections under 45 CFR 46;
o Any change to the study protocol that would increase the risk level for subjects;
o New information indicating a higher level of risk to participants than previously recognized for a study intervention, procedure, or pharmacological treatment.
• Transfer of the performance of substantive programmatic work to a third party through a consortium agreement, by contract, or any other means. For NIH awards, prior approval is always required if the third party is in another country.
• Change in other senior/key personnel not specifically named in the award notice/agreement.
• Significant rebudgeting, whether or not the particular expenditure(s) require prior approval. This may differ depending on the terms of your specific award.
[Faculty, Postdocs and Resadmin 3/26/2019]
• Complete each section (A - Personal Statement; B – Positions and Honors; C – Contributions to Science; D – Research Support or Scholastic Performance)
• Include no more than 5 contributions to science with no more than 4 citations per contribution
• Ensure that, if you include the optional link to a full list of your published work, the URL is .gov (i.e., a site such as My Bibliography)
• Refrain from including information, such as preliminary data, that belongs elsewhere in the application
• Follow NIH guidance on font type, font size, paper size, and margins (see Format Attachment instructions)
• Limit the length of your biosketch to 5 pages or less
Failure to follow the policy means NIH may withdraw your application from consideration (NOT-OD-15-095). [Faculty, Postdocs and Resadmin 1/23/2019]
[April 18, 2019] Rita & Frits Markus Library/OSPA: Could noncompliance with the NIH Public Access policy impact your funding? Yes, the NIH can delay the processing of non-competing continuation awards if publications arising from those awards are noncompliant with the NIH Public Access policy. Publications should be reported in the annual Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR), final reports and renewal applications. NIH's My NCBI is used to report publications. Contact the Rita & Frits Markus Library for assistance with the Public Access process. [Faculty, Postdocs and Resadmin 4/18/2019]