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Spotlight on SR-PD's Training Area

December 2010

The Rockefeller University’s community of students, postdocs, and Early Stage Investigators has a new resource to assist in their training, career development, and research support endeavors – SR-PD's Training Area.  Headed by Senior Grants Management Specialist Kate Ross, the Training Area is Rockefeller's starting point for learning key information concerning individual fellowship and career development awards as well as institutional training grants. The SR-PD’s new training area works closely with SR-PD’s Sponsored Research and Program Development areas.

Designed to allow students, investigators, and administrators easy access to the tools most relevant to their grant seeking and preparation efforts, the Training Area’s designated section within the SR-PD website was launched in 2010.  Through the creation of new resources, such as an application preparation checklist for NIH fellowship awards, specialized tutorials and the timely dissemination of critical policy changes and updates, the Training Area anticipates, supports, and responds to research and training development needs on campus.

The Training Area will be unveiling additional tools in the coming months, beginning with an application checklist for NIH career development awards.  Other efforts will target new training applications, the streamlining of the complex proposal process typically required for institutional training grants, and working with the Dean’s Office on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) reporting coordination.

SR-PD Training Area

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