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Budgets for NIH Modular Grant Applications

As part of our move to the new RAS-Grants system, Sponsored Programs Officers will be entering detailed budgets into the RAS-Grants system for all applications, including NIH Modular applications. The reasons for this are several: 
  1. In recent years, modular applicants have under-budgeted their programs, leading to severe shortages which the lab must cover or refuse the award;
  2. One of main reasons given for why applicants use a modular budget is that the data entry for applications is too burdensome. Having OSPA doing the data entry alleviates this issue;
  3. We have had many occasions where we have created budget drafts for people based on their personnel justification. Once they have seen how little they would have left for supplies, travel, and other expenses, they have changed to detailed budgets. This is especially true when subawards are involved; and 
  4. RAS-Grants will be enabling calculation of cost-share for Finance. We must input the detail of personnel, at a minimum, to achieve this capability.
At a minimum, all modular applications will have a detailed personnel budget completed, along with any other budget items which would affect calculation of indirect costs such as equipment and subawards and are required to be justified in the application. 

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