Our boilerplates and sample text for selected application sections may be used as a starting point for your applications, and should be modified to meet sponsor's requirements and to align with your proposed research plan.
Acknowledgment of Support
Budget Justification
Budget Template - Excel
Budget Template - Word
Cover Letters to the NIH
Facilities and Resources
Shared Resources Management/Organization Plan (for facilities/instruments)
Management/Leadership Plan (for Multi PI/PD projects and collaborative efforts)
Consortium & Contractual Arrangements
Data Sharing / Data Management Plan
Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources
Disseminating Newly Developed Knowledge (Tools, Reagents, and Techniques)
Model Organism Sharing Plan
Genomic Data Sharing Guidelines
Timelines and Milestones Section
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)
Diversity of the Scientific Workforce
Scientific Outreach Activities
Broader Impacts
Mentoring & Training Plans
The David Rockefeller Graduate Program
Individual Development Plans
NIH Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions and Samples
The following list of campus resources contains brief descriptions of core facilities, which can be used for the Facilities and Resources or other relevant sections of grant applications.
All Resource Centers
Antibody and Bioresource Core Facility
Bio-Imaging Resource Center
Comparative Bioscience Center (CBC)
CRISPR and Genome Editing Center
Cryo-Electron Microscopy Resource Center
Electron Microscopy Resource Center
Fisher Drug Discovery Resource Center
Flow Cytometry Resource Center
Genomics Resource Center
Markus Library
Proteomics Resource Center
Stem Cell Derivation Core
Transgenic and Reproductive Technology Center
Tri-Institutional Therapeutics Discovery Institute
University Hospital (including Center for Clinical and Translational Science)