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The Center is supported by funds from an NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) from the National Center for Research Resources and funds from Rockefeller University. The governance of the Center is depicted in the figure below. Dr. Barry S. Coller, David Rockefeller Professor of Medicine and Head, Laboratory of Blood and Vascular Biology, is the Director of the Center and the Principal Investigator of the CTSA grant. He also serves as Physician-in-Chief of the Rockefeller University Hospital and Vice President for Medical Affairs of Rockefeller University. Dr. James Krueger, Head of the Laboratory of Investigative Dermatology, is Co-Director of the Center and Co-Principal Investigator of the CTSA grant. Dr. Sarah Schlesinger serves as the KL2 Program Director. Dr. Dana Orange serves as Chair of the Advisory Committee for Clinical and Translational Science (ACCTS), the governing body of the Center.

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The Center is supported by funds from an NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) from the National Center for Research Resources and funds from Rockefeller University. The governance of th